A not-so-desperate housewife aspiring to excel in a newfound calling. This blog is about all things pertaining to marriage, parenting, cooking, crafting, cleaning, and the like. By no means am I good at any of these but I am learning! This is my journey and process at becoming the best I can be in the art of homemaking. Take a peek if you so please!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Home Management

My life since baby N was born has been a little chaotic, to say the least.  That first month I felt as if I just existed.  Before I knew it, that month flew by and I realized I had completely threw out all of my other responsibilities.  Thankfully, I have an awesome husband and family who helped take care of some things, but I knew I needed to get organized.  So after about a week of research and another week of creating, I came up with this incredible, life-changing home management notebook! I absolutely love the way it turned out and it has already helped our little family save time and money!  Below I will share a few of my favorites:


My Daily Schedule: includes errands, emails, phone calls, things to accomplish, my personal meal plan, work out goals, and a section to write ideas and inspiration.

Monthly Calendar

Meal Planning and Grocery List
(love this one!)

Our Monthly Budget
(This is where the money saving has come in! It's so much better when things are written down!)

Car Maintenance Log: This has a section to fill out when the registration is due as well as a place to fill in regular car maintenance.  This has been helpful to us because prior to this, I was guessing when the oil was last changed or how old the tires were.  This will hopefully save us money in the long run by making sure our cars are kept up!

Utilities Tracker:  I couldn't tell you how many times I am trying to call in or pay a bill online that I needed our account number for and I can't find the bill to look it up.  I end up having to wait forever on hold to get a representative to look it up for me.  This page is a reference sheet that will hold our account numbers, contact numbers, and ways to pay online or by phone for all of our utilities.

Birthdays and Celebrations: All in one place in our notebook so we will (hopefully) never forget another birthday or anniversary again!  This also helps us as a reference when we are filling out our monthly budget to plan for gifts for that specific month!

Also in our notebook are to do checklists, a babysitter info sheet, medical record info, a gift log, and so much more! I am using to it store my receipts and coupons too!  

I am thinking about making these pages available on here as printouts if anyone is interested.  More on that to come.  

For now, be inspired to be organized! 


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